Wednesday 23 February 2022

अहिल्याबाई होल्कर

इस नाम को किसी परिचय की आवश्यकता नही। यह नाम अपने आप में ही एक बहुत बड़ा व्यक्तिमतव है। पितृसतात्मकता में उभर कर आयी हुई एक साम्राज्ञी, अहिल्याबाई होलकर।

इस पुस्तक में उनके जीवनी का वर्णन किया गया है। उनके बचपन से लेकर अंतकाल तक उनके दृढ़निश्चय, आत्मविश्वास ऐवम समर्पण का उल्लेख किया गया है।

शादी के बाद उनके जीवन में क्या बदलाव आए। वे राज्य कारभार कैसे सीखी। उनके पति की मृत्यु के बाद उन्होंने अपना मन राज्य कारभार में कैसे लगाया। उनके जीवन में अनेक दुखद प्रसंग आए और कठिनाइयाँ भी। अपनो की मृत्यु और राज व्यवस्था में आने वाली विडंब परिस्थितियाँ कई बार उनको निराश कर देती। किंतु इन सबसे ऊपर उन्होंने प्रथम स्थान अपनी जिम्मदारियों को दिया। वे बिना हटे अपने राज्य के प्रजाजनो की सेवा में डटी रहीं। उनके इसी निश्चय का फलस्वरूप होल्कर साम्राज्य उन्नति पर रहा।

यह पुस्तक सिर्फ़ पढ़ने के लिए अच्छी नहीं अपितु नए युग के युवाओं, ख़ास कर युवतियों के लिए एक महत्वपूर्ण सिख देती है। किस प्रकार दृढ़निश्चय और संकल्प से किसी भी विपरीत परिस्थिति का सामना कर लक्ष्य को पाया जा सकता है। इसे पढ़ने मात्र से मन में उत्साह, आनंद, आत्मविश्वास और समर्पण की भावना उत्पन्न होती |

Sunday 3 October 2021

The Soul Catcher - Monica Bhide

Hey friends, interested in reading supernatural stuff? This is the one for you.

The Soul Catcher by Monica Bhide has a sequence of stories related to one another. Every character in one chapter has some or other supernatural powers in upcoming chapters. It is a story of two sisters, one who kills and another heals. Initially one might feel detached from what exactly the story revolves around. Later, one realizes how all the characters are related. Every character with these special powers is born to serve some purpose. These powers though helpful for common beings, in turn brings sacrificing their lives, love and near and dear ones for the person. It is how they try to relieve a person out of the pain and do something good.

It is tremendous powerful imagination of the author to come up with such story line. The book has also showed an amalgamation of scientific and supernatural things when it tells about “train to nirvana” and “red rain”. The book gives one a feel of evils and devils, but also speaks of “faith” and “fate”.  It speaks about karma and its consequences, what all is given in the universe is to come back. Main focus and attention is given to, one who is good by heart and does good deeds are the only ones who get helped and are relieved of pain.

Two lines I found helpful:
1) Inhale to the mantra of love and life, and exhale to the words of gratitude.
2) Some things are just not meant to be.

Though dark but the book is going to help one identify our own deeds and somewhere to have faith, not necessarily on divine power, but to have faith in what one does.

Paranormal read!!!

Tuesday 22 June 2021

22nd May by BShubhamB

I was curious what this book contains when I first read the title of the book. All other books that I read, I had an idea about what the content might be. But, this was different. The title itself attracted me with an eagerness to know what book speaks.

22nd May by BshubhamB - It started with a peaceful note from Adra’s diary. It seemed all well and happy. Government employee Pal, his wife Arshiya with her sweets shop business and two daughters Shrini and Adra – Ghosh family, a native from Kolkata. They had shifted to Rampurnath. For this nuclear family everything was perfect with all small imperfections.

The elder one, Shrini in her adolescent is any normal girl who goes through a phase, usually called school life. She was 13 and it had begun. Attraction, infatuation, admiration is what she and her friends were going through. She was a girl who at times missed her notes in classes and got dozed off. At one such class she was trying to copy notes from blackboard and she heard a voice from behind. It was Frezi. He is the son of Mr. Ranjan who owns almost the whole city. One day in one such class she dozed off and after the class had finished Frezi’s few friends asked everyone to leave the classroom and they stayed back. Shrini woke up to the sound of music. It was Frezi and his friends singing. He had asked her for a date and she said yes. It was a casual date with casual clothes and shoes. She had visited Frezi’s home, a castle.

This date that year – 22nd May 2013, all and everything changed for Shrini and Adra and for the family. One “no” from Shrini and all was spoiled. Frezi not in a state to understand her tried to force her. Adra and their dog Husky came for her help, he had already beaten Shrini and hit husky, raped Adra in front of Shrini and she could do nothing. It had all started.

Later, Arshiya came to know about the incidence and when she took help from police Rana, she was murdered. You know, a big personality has control over almost everything. Days passed by and things seemed to be getting normal, Adra had committed suicide. All was scattered for Pal and Shrini. Shrini was changed. She behaved with two personalities – of herself and Adra.

Harassments, rape, murders, kidnapping, political pressure, elections all had begun. Shrini and Pal had decided to fight back. They were helped by their relatives and a few close friends. They all fought smartly. They had to. There were threats, wars, cold wars, firing. But they all fought back to the extent to kill Mr. Ranjan and clean the city. Give new face to the city.

The most beautiful part of this book that I found is poems in between lines. The way story is presented, I could visualize each line written. The aspect that must be given utmost attention is social issue that has been taken up. I liked the way last Chapter gives factual data and provisions related to this issue, which we often or say always neglect. Another thing that catches attention is “Contents” page.

Emotional breakdown can either build a person to fight back or to end everything. The story here showcases the both. What I admired is the way they all stood in front of a huge power and fought back for safeguarding their lives as well as others.

As in the book “The books tell me stories of the past, and a few of the future.” I say be it any situation however bad or terrifying, for once get up with all the strength in you and fight it.

Rape is one of the most terrible crimes on earth and it happens every few minutes. Many cases go unreported.

Stay awake. Spread Awareness. Take action!!!

Wednesday 16 June 2021

A Prearranged Love - Anusha Vishnampet

People out there, getting married? Is it an arranged or “Prearranged” one?

This is a story of an independent Indian girl who is happy in her life and work. But who according to her mother is now of an age to get married. Her mother starts looking for a perfect groom for her daughter. She insists her daughter to at least meet these men and see if things can work out.

 A Prearranged Love by Anusha Vishnampet is a similar such story of Rekha Ramkumar who lives with her mother in Hyderabad. Having lost her father at a young age, she is very close to her mother and shares almost everything happening in her life. Her mother then finds a match for her and asks her to meet him. After debating for a while she agrees to meet him.

There comes handsome Arjun Kalyan. She found him good looking the first time she saw him. Then there starts the differences and argument between both when he calls her “Shorty”. With all the feminism in Rekha she definitely was not going to shut her mouth and says some nasty things to him. Both decide not meet again ever. Here’s how their blind date ends.

Returning home Rekha was sure she has to answer her mom’s questions. With daily routine in the office, there comes a new project for Rekha’s team with some IT company. As decided, she and her colleague reach “Softech” for meeting. To her astonishment she finds Arjun in the meeting room. What fate has to bring them now? Arjun had said some stuff which got her irritated but he was in awe with her smile and those dimples. And now both had to deal with each other. Work, presentation and meetings were all going good.

This book is one such piece that can make one remember the moments when one starts feeling for someone. With no twist and turns and no drama seems a true story. With easy and simple language each and every moment is beautifully emoted. With all its purity, it unknowingly brings a smile on your face.

Like any other Indian arrange marriage where both are in a kind of dilemma about commitments and marriage is what same is with Rekha and Arjun. After an argument about getting married, denying about not being ready but still cannot imagine life without the other, they come to a point where they had to take a big decision of life.

Rekha looking forward to getting married and Arjun not ready for the same, again puts him in trouble by telling this to Rekha. But her smile and every minute detail on Rekha’s face that he had looked for doesn’t let him stay away from her. Of course, he now was finally in love with her.

 Things now become interesting and with all the confusion and embarrassment, he finally speaks his heart out to her.

(PS: Someone is definitely going to cross your mind. Do enjoy the moment :D)

Lovely Read!!!

Saturday 22 May 2021

"The World Between four Walls" by "Aniket Bhandarkar"

The World Between Four Walls” by “Aniket Bhandarkar” tell us about the life we live. It gives us a gist of last one year, challenges this year and a thought process of a society. Right from “the world we live today” to “accomplishing the dream of following your passion” – is what it speaks all about.

Every decision taken in year 2020 - be it Janata curfew, lockdown, politics criticism, rising patients, frontline volunteers, Wuhan blame game, awareness, quarantine, homecoming missions, entrepreneurs, online classes, kids, students, taking risk, following your dreams. One can find each and every aspect about the society and world well presented here.

The Author along with the situation prevailing in the country and over the globe has also mentioned his own life paths he chose to walk upon. The challenges he faced as Banker who had to go out of office to work along with his team in such pandemic. The kind of treatment he and his family had to face when he himself was tested positive. Even after taking necessary precautions beforehand, the society had already made their opinions.

Small chapters on different fields and domain and losses being faced by almost everyone – gives one a new perspective of looking at domains other than what he/she does. Probably one could get inspired to know more about them. Apart from mentioning these domains, a talk of the author with friends in these domains and how they overcame their fears and losses is more of inspiring stories.

Inside the four walls when he (the author) was placed in after testing positive was the time he had gone through all possible combinations of thoughts. This was the time when he might have thought about following his dreams. Once out of those walls he went for taking a big decision of his life by quitting his stable income job and putting his heart into writing. This lockdown with all the pressures of work, fear of life, concern for family, friends and relative and importantly of finding happiness – has brought out an author in him –with his first book.

This quitting of job and doing something new with no experience attracted eyes full of questions and declaring it as stupid act. The society has own mindset and perspective about each and every thing that is happening around.  We often tend to think about what others would say before doing anything. It is important that we find happiness in doing what we are doing. 

With all the chaos going everywhere, losses being faced, fear in minds and heart – choosing what makes you happy, being satisfied with what you are doing, taking risks, following your dreams and passion, trying hard and again to achieve your dreams is what this book presents.

This one line that really made me think is – “Why do we consider a simple kindness deed as revolutionary act? Kindness should be on the daily to-do list of all”.

With “positive being the most negative word in 2020” – stay positive in your hearts and mind. If something’s in your mind, get the best out of it.

Good Read!!! 

Saturday 17 April 2021

The Power Of Your Subconscious Mind - Dr. Joseph Murphy

Have you ever dream of something you were not thinking about? Have you ever said or heard someone saying “it is in your subconscious mind?” Yes. The book is answer to all your sayings, events and situations you face in your life.

The Power of Your Subconscious Mind by Dr. Joseph Murphy is a book of experiences and techniques. So apt and beautifully are the techniques explained, that you eventually will start following them in your daily life. “Infinite Intelligence or Divine Power” is the term used by the author for “subconscious mind”.

Our mind works in a certain way. It is controlled by our thinking and the mental pictures it create. The way our conscious mind accepts anything as true will be accepted true by our subconscious mind. For it knows no truth or lie, right or wrong. It will accept and work accordingly the thoughts taken as true by your conscious mind.

This is a journey of balancing conscious and subconscious mind. Any healing, loss, misery, fear can be turned into a blessing if one learns what to take in by conscious mind and accepted true by subconscious. This balancing has tremendous power to bring about anything good in one’s life by affirming positive belief. Your subconscious mind can bring you desired results in any field. The key to which is regular practice. 

This book contains beautiful proverbs and quotes. What I liked in the book is “points to remember” at the end of every chapter. They are so precisely given that even reading those can bring positive affirmations.

The book repeatedly tells us “what we are is all what we think”. The author has asked us to think what we desire. Create mental picture of what we ought to see as results. It is our thinking who had or is creating certain results or events for ourselves.

Turning pages you are gradually going to change as a person who will wish for peace and harmony in your as well as others life. It is a key to happy, joyous and successful life.
Remember, “As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he.” (PROV, 23:7)

Wisdom Read People!!!

Sunday 28 March 2021

प्रकाशवाटा - डॉ. प्रकाश आमटे

प्रकाशवाटा – डॉ. प्रकाश आमटे, हे पुस्तक आहे अश्या एका व्यक्तीच ज्यांनी आपल्या जिद्दीनं आणि दृढनिश्चयानं, कुणालाही ज्ञात नसलेल्या माडिया गोंड आदिवासींना ओळख मिळवून देण्याचं आणि हि व्यक्ती दुसरी तिसरी कुणी नसून खुद्द डॉ. प्रकाश आमटे आहेत. अर्थात त्यांच्या या प्रवासात त्यांच्या पत्नी डॉ. मंदाकिनी आमटे आणि इतर सहकारी तितकेच महत्वाचे. डॉक्टर साहेबांच्या भाषेत म्हणाल तर त्यांना हे यश मिळाल ते त्यांचे कार्यकर्ते होते म्हणूनच.

हि फक्त गोष्ट नव्हे तर एक अवघड कार्य हाती घेऊन त्याला मूर्त रूपात आणलेलं सत्य ‘लोक बिरादरी प्रकल्प’ आहे . हे स्वप्न खर तर बाबा आमटेंचं. ते आपल्या मुलांना सहलीला घेऊन जाण्याच्या हेतुंन त्यांना हेमलकशाला घेऊन गेलेत. तिथली परिस्थिती इतकी वाईट कि आपण इथे काम करायला हवे अशी इच्छा बाबांनी व्यक्त केली. त्या वेळी डॉ. प्रकाश आमटे यांनी ती जबाबदारी स्वतः घेतली आणि काम करण्याची इच्छा दर्शवली.

शब्दात परिचय देऊन ते त्यात संपूर्णपणे सांगता येतील असे बाबा आमटे आणि त्यांचे कार्य नाहीत. आनंदवन तुमच्या पैकी बऱ्याच लोकांना माहित असावं. वरोरा (जि चंद्रपूर) पासून ५ किलोमीटर च्या अंतरावर स्थित हि फक्त एक जागा नाही तर बाबांनी उभं केलेलं घर आहे. घर त्या लोकांन साठी ज्यांच्या घरच्यांनीच त्यांना स्वीकारला नाही आणि न स्वीकारण्याच कारण – कुष्ठरोग. बाबांनी केवळ या रोग्यांवर उपचार नाही केलेत. ते स्वतः त्यांच्या सोबत राहिले, त्यांना त्यांच्या आवडीचे काम शिकविल आणि आत्मनिर्भर बनविले. हे सगळं त्यांचा गमावलेला आत्मविश्वास मिळवून देण्या करीता आणि नव्याने जगण्याची उमीद देण्या करीता. अश्याच वातावरणात वाढलेले डॉ. प्रकाश आमटे आणि त्यांचे मोठे भाऊ डॉ. विकास आमटे.

हेमलकसा - इथे घनदाट जंगल, प्राणी, निबिड अरण्य आणि या सगळ्यांची सोबत असलेले माडिया गोंड आदिवासी. माडिया गोंड आदिवासी हे सगळ्यात मागासलेले. त्यांचा इतर जगाशी कसलाच संबंध नाही. जंगलातल्या प्राणी, पक्षी, नदी, नाले या शिवाय त्यांना कुठलेच आवाज माहिती नाही. साधे कपडे घालणं काय असता हे देखील त्यांना ठाऊक नाही. त्यांचे खानपान पण वेगळेच - कंदमुळं, शिकार करून प्राणी खान, अगदी मुंग्यांची चटणी करून खाणे - हा त्यांचा आहार. त्या मुळे अनेक रोगांना निमंत्रण असेलेले हे आदिवासी. त्यांची भाषा देखील वेगळी, ज्याचा मराठी भाषेशी कसलाच संबंध नाही. डॉक्टर आणि त्यांचे सहकारी जेव्हा इथे आले तेव्हा त्यांनी अश्या परिस्थितीत काम करायचे ठरवले होते.

डॉ. प्रकाश आमटे आणि डॉ. मंदाकिनी आमटे - त्या वेळी हे दोघंच तिथे डॉक्टर्स. सुरवातीला सगळे कार्यकर्ते जंगलातच राहिले. जिथे दुनिया काय हेच ठाऊक नव्हते तिथे घर कुठली आलीत. या सगळ्यांनीच अथिक परिश्रम घेतले. समोर येईल ते काम केले. नसेल येत तर ते आधी आपले आपलेच शिकून घेतले. सुरवातीला आदिवासी यांना बघून जंगलात लपायचे. ह्या माडिया लोकांत अंधश्रद्धा भरपूर. काही झाले कि मांत्रिका कडे जायचे. अनेक प्रयास केल्या नंतर या माडिया आदिवासींना थोडा विश्वास बसायला लागला होता आणि म्हणून ते डॉक्टर कडे यायचे.

कठोर परिश्रम घेतल्या नंतर आज हे प्रकल्प उभे राहू शकले. आता इथे ऑपरेशन्स देखील होतात. शाळा आहे. प्राणी संग्रालय देखील आहे. अनेक लोक आता इथे जातात.

महत्वाचे सांगायचे तर हे केवळ पुस्तक नाही. हि एक वाटचाल आहे त्या प्रत्येक व्यक्ती करीता ज्यांत इच्छा आहे लोक कल्याणा करीता काही करण्याची. हे पुस्तक आहे साधेपणाचा, जिथे आपल अस सगळं विसरून अज्ञानात असलेल्यांना प्रकाशा कडे नेण्याचं. हे पुस्तक आहे अनुभवाचं. हे फक्त आत्मचरित्र नसून एक प्रयास आहे बहुतांशी लोकां पर्यंत पोहचण्याचा.

आपल्याला सगळं मिळालं असतांना देखील आपल्या बऱ्याच तक्रारी असतात. "Nervous", "Upset", "Mood off" - असे अनेक शब्द आपण वापरतो. मुळात दृष्टिकोन बद्दला कि अस काही नाहीच हे जाणवतं. हा दृष्टिकोन बदलवणार हे पुस्तक.

आनंदवन ला जायची एक संधी मला आली होती. मी शाळेत असतांना. पण कुठल्या कारणा मुळे मी नाही जाऊ शकली आणि माझ बाबांना भेटायचं स्वप्न मोडल. त्या नंतर ते गेले. त्यांना मी भेटू शकली नाही याची खंत आहेच.

दुसर छायाचित्र आहे माझ्या कुटुंबाच – डॉ. प्रकाश आमटे आणि डॉ. मंदाकिनी आमटे यांच्या सोबत. ती वेगळीच गोष्ट होती कि मी अनेक दिवस घरच्यांवर रुसली होती. मला ना घेता परस्पर "plan" बनवून ते हेमलकश्याला गेले - लोक बिरादरी प्रकल्प बघायला. मी तेव्हा पुण्यात होते. अर्थात मला जायला आवडेलच आणि तशी संधी येताच मी प्रकल्प बघायला नक्कीच जाणार. तुम्ही हि एकदा जाऊन प्रकल्प बघावा, काय काम झाल आहे हे बघाव अशी ईच्छा व्यक्त करते.

डॉ. म्हणतात आम्ही सगळे इथे आलो ते कार्यकर्ते म्हणून. अर्थात ते खर देखील वाटतंय. 

अश्या या सगळ्याच कार्यकर्त्यांना मी नमन करते.

(Non-Marathi readers, there’s English and Hindi translation of the book.
Second ImageWith Dr.Prakash Amte and Dr.Mandakini Amte is my family)

अहिल्याबाई होल्कर

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